Renee said... >Or, remember talking about transcribing episodes... > >I was thinking that maybe we could each take a favourite scene, > >(check that no-one does the same) and transcribe it onto email. > >I did it once for the scene in Bad News - when Spike and Lynda > >have the most clever fight, and ended it with that sensational kiss - > >it took me about an hour. I don't know, it's a fairly large task, > >what does everyone think? If we all knew ecactly how to do it properly, then I think it's a good idea. >I hope they make another series, and soon. So do I Does anyone over there in good old England know the latest update in the making of a PG movie??? ==+ Carissa +== -- T H E P R E S S G A N G M A I L I N G L I S T By default, pressing 'reply' will send mail back to the list, not to the author of the message you're replying to. To unsubscribe, mail "subscribe" to "" |