Re: [pressgang] Lynda dead ? warrning 1 year screen Studies

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Brian MacDonell (
Wed, 1 Oct 1997 12:02:58 +1000

Is Paul McCartney dead? They had a lot of clues for that. Is Lynda Day dead?
I don't think so! =)

At 06:46 1/10/97 +0000, you wrote:
>>I'm sure this has been a topic of conversation previously but were any
>>conclusions drawn about the possibility of Lynda surviving the fire in
>>"There are Crocodiles"? Contrary to the beliefs of a number of my friends I
>>don't think she survived. Shock horror! This is because of a number of
>>comments made throughout the episode, particularly by David. He says
>>something like "there's no way out" and Lynda replies "I know but unlike
>you I'm not going quietly". Also Spike says "You're dead" and she says
>>"Yeah". There are quite a few more but I'll save them for when someone
>>tells me I'm talking complete rubbish and that Lynda Day couldn't possibly
>>have died.
>You are talking commplet Rubbish (Underlined in Bold)
>- Deadline(??) - if they were planning to make a film after this with
>Lynda in it (See series guide) why would they have killed her?
>Yes but Lynda lies when it suites her, A Quarter to Midnight.
>(Warrning I did a year of Screen Studies)
>- no visual cluses to sugest that that last sequence was a dream -
>Lynda's face is cut and covered with soot. - would Spike remember
>her that way??
>-when Spike and Lynda Dream sequences (just involving the two of
>them) end they either say so - "Dummy this is a dream' or they click
>there fingers, they both have to accept that it is a dream - Lynda
>wa sjust manipulating him as she always does.
>- the designers kept Lynda in the same clothes. - in other dreams
>at least one of them is in something diffrent
>- Lynda slept in the newsroom you want to tell me she doesn't know
>the place backwards there were lots of shots of windows we are ment
>to think she climed out of one of them I think.
>>Underneath all this argument I think that deep down I want to believe that
>>she's dead because if she is that means no more PG and therefore I'm not
>>missing anything by it not being on anymore. All that "we'll be happy ever
>>after" stuff that she spouts at the end of the episode makes me think that
>>all this cool stuff is happening and I'm missing out on it!
>What Happly ever after stuff - I can barly watch the episode any more
>beacuse I get depressed at the end. I have the sneeky suspition that
> Lynda is dead but I don't think that the writters could kill Lynda as
>she would come after them and haunt them for the rest of there lives.
>>It's too late for me doctor - I'm a Press Gang
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Julia MacDonell

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