Constance Lever-Tracy (
Wed, 1 Oct 1997 18:13:51 +0000
Matt (the legend) wrote:
>>It's just another example of the multiple levels that PG can work on.
>>To the casual viewer that's a 'good' line with a few cliches in it.
>>To a fan it's something else entirely.
>>I think that this is one of the key attributes of cult television. That
>>sort of line is entertainingly funny to "non-fans" but it makes the
>>hardcore fans deliriously happy. But without giving the non-fans the
>>impression that they've missed something.
I just thought of another example - the pigeon in Windfall & Love
Money and Birdseed - Poor Colin he had real problems with animals.
>I agree. Some years ago, the ABC showed PG 5 afternoons a week here. When
>you see all the episodes in order and in a short space of time, you notice
>all kinds of sub-plots, etc. I think this is perhaps the only show
>comprised of essentially self-contained episodes that has such amazing
>over-all structure.
>But I must say that it made the weekends seem really long sometimes. Two
>whole days without a PG fix...It just wasn't the same when they put it on as
>1 episode per week.
Tell me about it I got into a really stupid aroument with my
Mother because she was preventing me from seeing an episode
(even thought I was taping it) I could feel the withdrawl symptoms.
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