Kate Bellgard (bonbell@atrax.net.au)
Sat, 4 Oct 1997 17:48:05 +1000
> Okay, I finally saw the video clip for Some Kind of Bliss this morning.
> Two things, firstly did anyone else notice that Dexter's eyes looked
> green -
colored contacts...but the blue was sweeter
he always had blue eyes on PG? 2) In one very quick shot I
> thought he looked a lot like Harry Connick Junior in the film Copycat,
> anyone else think so ?
Always thought so actually...by the way I'm sure it was just a joke but a
friend in the U.K. swears its true that they're making a Rolling Stones
bio-pic in which Dex will play....(take a guess) Can anyone confirm or
> That said, Dexter "Dress Better" and please shave.
He was playing a character, apparently you have to be hairy and grungy to
be a Kylie guy...anyway I kinda liked it...but then thats just my $0.02
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