Re: [pressgang] Kenny and Lynda - the definitive answer from St

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Constance Lever-Tracy (
Wed, 8 Oct 1997 14:56:12 +0000

> As a last minute act of desperation I wrote the
> Kenny/Lynda/sportsday scene, establishing for the first time - after the
> whole series had been written and very nearly all filmed - that the two of
> them were old friends. It's tough to write a five-minute plot stopping scene
>without doing something new or interesting to justify it so this
>(rather gratutious) revelation filled the gap very nicely - and thus the whole
>Kenny/Lynda arc was born. Bit disappointing, eh? Incidentally I got the idea
>because Julia and Lee had also known each other since childhood.

Steven Moffat you are a truly amazing writer It dosen't show at all.
So Lynda and Kenny became childhood friends by acident it was a great
idea. it is amazing how much of how you view things is interpretated
by things that might have no conncetion. We interpretate everthing
Lynda and Kenny do in the first series in terms of their long time
firendship when in fact it wasn't there.

> If anyone's interested other padding scenes (usually filmed long after the
> rest of the episode was in the can) include the Spike-and-Lynda-nearly-kiss
> scene in Breakfast At Czar's (check out Julia's hairlength - it was three
> weeks and a haircut later), the pre-credits scene between Spike and Lynda in
> In The Picture and the very boring Sullivan/Lynda scene in Sullivan's office
> in Picking Up The Pieces. Oh, and the equally boring Sullivan/Kerr scene in
> the very first (and very, very boring) episode.
> Steven

The In the Picture scene was also great, It really conected it to Love
and War - Like they were part one and two.


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