Re: [pressgang] First times -how appropriate

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Murray Head (
Mon, 13 Oct 1997 23:39:30 +0800

>At 06:32 13/10/97 +0000, Natacha wrote:
>>>With all this talk about favourite episodes, I thought is was a good idea to
>>>ask which episode you thought was the most likely to get people hooked on
>>>Press Gang. I ask this because one of my friends (who hasn't even SEEN Press
>>>Gang) has agreed to watch one episode if I watch an episode of her favourite
>>>TV show (The Simpsons). Does anyone have any ideas as to which episode I
>>>should show her?
>>"A Night In' might be a good idea it esstablished characters and
>>their relationships - Spike and Lynda, and its funny.
>I agree. As I mentioned the other day, I haven't watched my tapes in quite
a while, but from memory, that'd have to be my bet for an intro story. It's
one of the very best episodes, but unlike the others in the top ten or so
>1) It's a single parter.
>2) You don't have to know/love/give a damn about the characters to find it
>3) It is, I think the best all-encompassing picture of the Spike-Lynda
relationship, the various characters (S&L, Kenny, Tiddler, Colin "show us
your pink rabbit suit" Matthews)
>Incidentally, I saw "Something Terrible" long before "A Night In", so I was
most surprised to discover that the pink rabbit suit thing was actually an
on screen occurance. The same went with "At Last A Dragon" and "Page One" -
the "I'll kill a Dragon for you" line, I mean, although I had at least
suspected that that was real old footage.
>A couple of other things, while I think of them (didn't I mention something
about getting some sleep tonight?).
>1) Steven Moffats mention of the corridor scene in Breakfast At Csars as
being a last minute add-on. There was always something about the scene
which made me think it was shot later, although I couldn't think why it
would be. I'm pretty sure I'd noticed Lynda's hair - maybe not that it was
a different length, but I definitely thought she'd showered/had her hair
done/seen a few days(if this last one, then preferably the first two as
weell:)) since the scene before it. Also (and I may be misremembering
here). It all seemed a bit too quiet to be just next to the hive of
activity which the newsroom was that night - PG is usually pretty good with
the "shuffling papers, murmurs in the background, let's look like we're
working" thing, as Kenny put it.
>2) (Let me see, two....aha!) <<<WARNING SOME BASTARD IS ABOUT TO MAKE AN
> Sorry about another reference to Race around the world, but I had to
mention that a) I've finally seen the "Football is My religion" piece, and
it's great. b) It sucks that John Safran's back-up doco wasn't used when
his banned one was unusable (then again, maybe he hadn't done one - I know a
few guys didn't - but it's a shame that he now _can't_ win the Race)
>Anyway, can't keep complaining about lack of sleep if I don't take
advantage of my night off of study, so I'd better go sleep so that I'll have
something to complain about. :)
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* Murray Head - *
*Also at: of Western Australia) *
* (Dept of Anatomy and Human Biology) *

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