Re: [pressgang] Kylie Minogue - Dexter

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Kathleen Watson (
Thu, 30 Oct 1997 08:53:33 +1100

Constance Lever-Tracy wrote:
> >>No need to argue if you know Dexter's birthdate! He was born on 31/1/66.

> >Oh no, can he really be that old? This is most disconcerting....
> >Ann

Gack! He's older than big brother, who has thinning hair. But then I
suppose that there are other examples of such old people playing kids -
like Beverly Hills 90210, where the main male characters were starting
to get wrinkly foreheads. You may have noticed that in any poster or
still shot on the tele, all of the guys are standing there with their
foreheads wrinkled in a frowny sort of way, trying to look cool and/or
tough. My personal theory on why they always did this is that it was to
hide the real wrinklies on the oldest guy's head, the fellow who was
gotten rid of because he no longer looked young at all (when he stops
frowning his forehead still looks the same).

Admittedly Dex didn't look aged in any way, perhaps he was facelifted to
allow him to play a youth? (scandal!)


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