Kevin Nauta (
Thu, 01 Jan 1998 12:17:50 -0800
Murray Head wrote:
> Hello everyone, welcome to 1998!
> I always liked the idea that Spike really was good at his job - he wasn't
> there purely to throw furniture and witty barbs at Lynda - there's only a
> few other eps where Spikes talent emerges.
>Kevin replies....
Remember the scene in "The Week and Pizza" where Kenny accuses Lynda of
only having Spike at the meetings 'cause she fancied him? This is one of
those cases where Kenny is only half-right. Lynda learned as far back as
"Photo Finish" and "Interface" that one of the things that makes Spike a
good reporter is that he takes a very unconventional look at problems and
sometimes sees issues or solutions to problems that the "pure"
journalists on the staff don't. I'd suggest one of the best examples of
this is "Something Terrible", where the question Spike offers up for
Colin as to why some abused kids don't tell probably is the closest to
Cindy's true motivations, and yet it shocks the other members of the news
team. That an abused kid could still love her abusive father strikes
them as horrific, but Spike knows something about having a messed up home
and can relate to her plight all too well.
I think Spike is portrayed as much more clever far more often than you
give him credit for, Murray. And by the way, I liked that "diary" quote,
but not as it was filmed.
Oh, one other bit off-topic. Has anyone else had problems getting mail
into and off of the PGML. My reception is fine, but Karen Mann has been
having problems and asked me if the mailing list was dead.
Kevin Nauta
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