Murray Head (
Sat, 17 Jan 1998 16:37:58 +0800
>Hi all!
>>> 3. To Karen: D'ya remember where that line about Spike & Zoe knowing
>>> each other previously is from? That would be very interesting if it were
>>> true.
>>In "Holding On" they are talking (on the airplane, I think but maybe not --
>>that's difintely the epsiode though) and Zoe says something to the effect of
>>"Spike, in all the time I have known you, you....."
Well, I was going to post just to say "I don't remember that", but rather
than e lazy (not that watching PG is work :)) I watched both "The Big Hello"
and Holding On" to check for the line - and I couldn't find it in either
episoe - the closest I could find was in "The Big Hello" when she said "in
the whole week we've been here..." refering to Spike not getting in touch
with any of the friends he "must have" in England.
BTW - by the time of "The Big Hello", Spike and Zoe has very possibly been
together for 6 months - as that's how long it had been since Lynda had heard
from Spike.
Natacha added:
>That Zoe was an old friend makes some sence - she knew about Lynda in
>The Big Hello. Maybe not her name but she kew there was someone
>important to Spike in that part of England.
I don't really agree that she knew about Lynda in "The Big Hello" - she
didn't seem to know the names/specifics of any of Spike's friends in that
episode (I'm basing this on the line "You _must_ have heaps of friends in
England, but you've steered clear of all of them" - the "must" implys to me
that he hasn't told her about any of them) - and she only knew about Lynda
(as an idea, not as a named entity) after she spoke to Spike in the
restaurant (follows Zoes 'steering clear of your friends' line):
Spike: Yeah well, there were... complications
Zoe: You mean a girl?
By the time of "Holding On", however, she definitely knew a little about who
Kenny was - maybe from letters/phone calls from/to Spike while he was
"stuck" in England?
>If your talking about PG, your dates aren't quite right. It started
>in 1989 and ran untill 1993. The episodes with Zoe were from
>1991 -1992.
Dead right.
Murray Head (Anatomy and Human Biology, UWA)
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