Constance Lever-Tracy (
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 11:15:34 +0000
>HI Gang,
>Happy Ozzie day to all you Wallabies, as a non-Australian I thought I would
>remind us Northerners (Hemisphere) that even Australia has national pride
>and a special day. I just can't quite get the accent, though. =)
National Pride and I thougth it was just an excuses to have a long
Weekend. No that's no fair there is some national pride, we're
mostly to relaxed to show it. As for the accent one day it just
appears - after years of having a British one I suddenly had the
accent without realising it. Now I've just got to start eating meat
pie suporting Ozzie Rules and maybe I'll make it completly.
(Very unlikly)
>Oliver freezing in Quebec City
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