Murray Head (
Sat, 31 Jan 1998 15:34:21 +0800
At 12:29 31/01/98 +0000, Natacha asked wrote:
>>Kevin Nauta, whom Murray says is the third most active poster on this
>>list. Now if only
> > I had something intelligent to say.....
>Who is the most active and second most active writer on this list ?
>Natacha, who has a suspicion she might be one of the above.
Okay, okay, I wasn't going to mention this on the list, but I had a look
through the archives the other day and found the section where we can look
up the posts by the sender, so while I was there I tallied up the posts.
The top posters (those who had posted >/= 2% of posts) in the "recent posts"
section (1st October '97 until a coupl'a days ago) were:
Person #Posts
Natacha 163 (14.31%)
Murray 99 (8.69%)
Kevin 74 (6.49%)
Lisalet 58 (5.09%)
Grant Watson 43 (3.77%)
Matt Saunders 34 (2.98%)
Claire Douglas 29
Zoe Knights 27
Oliver May 26
Jenny Wong 24
Laura Nunn 23
Anne_M_Moye 23
Ann Pearce 22
So yes, Natacha, your contributions have indeed been bountiful! :)
Hoping that posting this wasn't a stupid thing to do...
(BTW, this stretches over quite a long period, and there were a lot of
people in the 15-22 posts range, so don't be surprised if you've either (a)
barely heard from some people on this list (if you're new) or (b) have been
a very frequent poster in the last few weeks, but aren't listed above).
This tally was solely the result of someone finding himself with time on his
hands and not knowing what to do with it (and a discussion with Kevin about
what sort of info can be compiled from the archives).
Murray Head "The only way to atone for being occasionally a little overdressed is by being always absolutely overeducated." - Oscar (Anatomy and Human Biology, UWA) Wilde
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