2002-06-07 Amalfi 13 subalbums
tree :: 2002-06-07 Amalfi
In This Album:
Sub Albums
    A week in Amalfi, Italy
Sub Albums
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Getting There 30 images
    Bishop's Stortford to Amalfi, via Gatwick and Naples
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Hotel Excelsior 32 images
    Where we stayed for the week
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Amalfi Town 52 images
    We went down to Amalfi Town for our first evening
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Hotel Misc 5 images
    Miscellaneous in the Hotel
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Pogerola 60 images
    Pogerola is the little village at the top of the hill that the Excelsior is on
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Hotel Misc II 14 images
    More random Hotel shots
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Amalfi Town II 12 images
    And some more shots of Amalfi town
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Boat to Capri 134 images
    We went on a boat trip to the island of Capri
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Ravello 49 images
    Ravello was a short bus ride away
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Pompeii 129 images
    The ruins of Pompeii - drowned in ash in 79 A.D.
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Mount Vesuvius 64 images
    Mount Vesuvius - destroyer of Pompeii, last erupted in 1944
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Hotel Misc III 19 images
    Some more random Hotel pictures
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Last Day 17 images
    And our last day, waiting for a pickup

Album generated by BINS 1.1.10 on Mon Jul 15 22:49:18 2002.