Murray Head (
Sat, 03 Jan 1998 01:02:36 +0800
At 01:21 2/01/98 PST, Zoe wrote:
>with regard to spike's "disgusting" activities at the school dance, i
>have often wondered about that, too. i always assumed it was something
>more sordid than mooning, like being drunk or sleazing onto some girl
I don't think the sleazing one is likely - I don't think it would have been
as comically treated by the others (and you're right, it does seem out of
>perhaps he was making crop circles on the school field??
> my poor little fingers are tired from all this typing. i had
>better rest them. i go back to uni in 2 weeks, so they need their
>strength. boo hoo.
* Murray Head - *
*Also at: of Western Australia) *
* (Dept of Anatomy and Human Biology) *
*>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< *
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