mann (
Thu, 01 Jan 1998 19:54:15 -0800
I was watching WAM! in the States this weekend which featured The Big
and A Killer on the Line. It made me wonder 2 things:
How do these kids afford cell phones? Lynda's might be the Gazette's, a
write-off-able expense on their taxes. But after that it seemed like
everyone had a cell phone! How do these kids afford what is around here
a month for an account plus airtime (2.99 to 3.99 a minute during
which explains why I don't have one!)?????? Or are cell phones just
in England??
Two, in A Killer on the Line there is a poster of Lynda on the wall
Sarah during several scenes. I can see a lengend over the picture of her
-- you can't miss it, looks like a mug shot -- and a small caption under the picture. Does anyone know what the poster says? I am curious!Karen
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