Kevin Nauta (
Fri, 30 Jan 1998 21:27:26 -0500
Once upon a time, yours truly was going to go off and do some serious
work with the vcr studying the first season. Well, after a month's
worth of computer troubles, I finally have my bedroom computer up and
running, so I can watch tv and type at the same time. Very helpful if
you're trying to answer questions on the list. Here's a couple things I
noticed in my search.
1. Remember the scene in SOMETHING TERRIBLE when Colin calls Billy
"Roger" and excuses it by saying something like "Roger was the one with
the limp." ? If you have ONE EASY LESSON on tape, look for the scene
where Lynda calls the news team together for a story conference. Sure
enough, one of the news team has a limp. So far, this is the only
episode I've seen Roger's character in.
2. Regarding the "How old is Lynda?" controversy of a week or two ago.
HOW TO MAKE A KILLING seems to imply Lynda is seventeen, if I am
understanding Kenny's math correctly. Or am I just reading more into
this scene than there really is?
3. If you like snow, Karen has three feet on the ground and would love
to get rid of some. Unfortunately, when you get that much snow in one
storm, your power and phone lines go down, so she's been off-line for at
least a day. Those of you sweating in the Southern Hemisphere and
needing some air conditioning, go see Karen. She'll put you to work
Kevin Nauta, whom Murray says is the third most active poster on this
list. Now if only
I had something intelligent to say.....
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