Re: [pressgang] Odd Trivial thoughts and responce to messages I miss

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Murray Head (
Sat, 10 Jan 1998 09:10:13 +0800

Natacha said:
>> - What Spike did at the School Dance
>> - I was under the impression that he
>> actually didn't do anything or was jsut accused of it. He says
>> somehting like " Don't beleve everything you read in the press" to Mr
>> Kerr.
Kevin "The evil postal goblin" replied:
>If that was true, Sullivan wouldn't have cause to suspend him!

Murray says:
...and Spike does say he did "the unmentionable crime":
Sarah(?): Did you _really_, well y'know, at the highschool dance?
Spike: Yeah, I y'know a lot. well as at other places.

I just watched that episode the other day, and I felt pretty sure, thinking
about all that was said, that what he'd done was moon the headmaster.


PS: It was actually Lynda that Spike said "Don't believe everything you read
in the papers" to, Kerr used the same line on Spike moments before, in
relation to Spike wondering why a "high flier" like Kerr had come to Norbridge.

* Murray Head - *
*Also at: of Western Australia) *
* (Dept of Anatomy and Human Biology) *
*>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< *

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